
            This baseline pair places the centerline passing through the round handle of something similar to the Assyrian Bucket and through the left hand of the creature at the left holding it. It then tangents the upper crosshatched edge of the serpent where it wraps around a ‘pillar’. It goes on to align the mouths of two people at the far right. There is a second baseline pair experimented with that places the centerline slightly lower passing through a conspicuous dark outline of the serpent while also appearing to tangent the white coils of the serpent. This centerline passes through only one person’s mouth at the right. The baselines for these baseline pairs are either of the two outer or inner borders at the bottom and at the top. As the alignments progress watch the rays intersect with the creature’s right hand and the atlatl it is wielding along with its ‘hook eye’ and left foot. Also watch the ray pairs that intersect at the centerline pass through and tangent the round handle of the ‘bucket’ then across the serpent and the ‘pillar’ it is wrapped around. This ‘pillar’ likely represents earth’s polar axis with the serpent representing earth’s celestial equator, its rotation and axial tilt, as earth approaches its alignment with the plane of the ecliptic on the Vernal Equinox represented by the serpent crashing down through the beam at the top. Arranged from the bottom to the top of the pillar are four concentric circle motifs that symbolize earth’s orbit around the sun, its celestial equator, its tilted polar axis, and the pole star. Watch the rays as the y-axis alignments tangent many of these inner and outer circles. Also watch the rays at the top as they tangent the serpent’s cross-hatched outer surfaces (axial tilt) and the white coils (rotation). (Image source; see Art Motifs Image Sources Fig.112)