Fig. 150a Medallion
Fig. 150b Earring
Fig. 150c Feathered Serpent Ring
Figs.150a, Fig.150b, & Fig.150c Feathered Serpent Mathematics
The reason for the late addition of these images is not only because these artifacts were just discovered by treasure hunters in early 2023 but also because one of these appears to encode the Portal Gematria/Portal Formula mathematics associated with earth’s celestial mechanics. The medallion in Fig.150a has 18 ‘rays’ equally spaced around the circumference of the design with 25 spheres arranged around a single sphere in the center. From the center outward, the three circles of the design likely represent earth’s rotating tilted polar axis and its relationship to the pole star, with the next circle out representing earth’s rotation, and the last outer circle representing earth’s orbit around the sun. Dividing the 25 spheres by the 18 rays = 1.3888888. One of the Portal Formulas and the one that leads most directly to the all-important number 1.2962962 begins with 1.3888888/1.0714285 = 1.2962962. (See Portal Gematria) This is the only example I know of that possibly links the Feathered Serpent to earth’s celestial mechanic mathematics.
Fig.150b shows one of a pair of earrings with what appear to be three feathers hanging down below a green stone. This is reminiscent of Osiris’ flail that encodes the three locations of the sun on the horizon at dawn or sunset on the solstices and equinoxes. The green stones likely represent the pole star on the Vernal Equinox. Note the assortment of artifacts to the right.
Fig.150c appears to show a spiral feathered serpent ring that along with the other artifacts found buried in three golden ceramic jars all together suggest the symbolic encoding of earth’s celestial mechanics that also seem to help validate the idea that not only are the Portal Formulas related to earth’s axial tilt but also that someone in antiquity knew the mathematics and very likely wore or knew who wore the feathered serpent ring, medallion, green stone necklace, ear rings, and golden bracelets to the Vernal Equinox sunrise ritual celebrations. For better viewing of these artifacts and their discovery see the YouTube video ‘Top 5 Treasure Hunts/5 Big Treasures Found In 2023’ at Arkeolog/@arkeologofficial.